Sunday, February 16, 2014

TOOC- Truly Opening Minds

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TOOC by Ilicia Kelly

            TOOC (truly open online course) is a new concept developed by the University of Sashatchewan. This week we were asked to register for the TOOC in an open course called Introduction to Learning Technologies and to watch a video by John Boyer. In the past weeks, our class has explored the concept of MOOC (massive open online course). This describes an online course that encourages participation and access to students using the internet. It describes the concept of using videos, readings, and discussion forums that build a community for students and professors; ideal for students who live hours away from colleges that offer the degree they desire (Wikipedia). One of the advantages of the online course is the increased access to education for the zillions of working people across the country or those that live too far from the colleges that have their desired degree. According to, "Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that are freely available online for everyone to use, whether you are an instructor, student or self-learner. Examples of OER include: full courses, course modules, syllabi, lectures, homework assignments, quizzes, lab and classroom activities, pedagogical materials, games, simulations, and many more resources contained in digital media collections from around the world".
            The interview with John Boyer discusses the concept of using social media and his journey in developing a TOOC. TOOC describes the concept of having a course that anyone can take. This is great for continuing education, people just trying to expand their mind, and those who are always on the quest to learn more. During the interview, I enjoyed the fact that they were asking John Boyer questions that people were posting on twitter as the interview was live. John feels that this resource is very useful and believes that TOOC are the future of online learning. Since the percentage of college students using online courses are increasing every year, instructors must evolve to accommodate this growing demographic.
            John Boyer feels that the biggest challenge as an instructor is "the assumptions you make at the beginning of the semester". Feeling that the new generations are savvy with the latest technology is a mistake. Even though twitter is huge and I've heard of twitter many times before, I had never 'tweeted' and had no idea how to even write a hashtag; actually, I had no idea what the hashtags mean!!
            Even though I feel overwhelmed by the amount of new information that I have to absorb regarding online technologies, TOOC, MOOC, Twitter, and blogging, I am trying to just take it one step at a time and absorb as much as possible. Isn't that what learning is all about?

Self Assessment- Excellent- I feel that I proved comprehension of the subject, able to prove critical thinking on the matter, and able to organize and synthesize the information on TOOC.

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